Coping with TV Hiatus

How great is television? So many different types of shows and characters, all those cool stories to follow week after week. How about the nervous excitement the day of a new episode getting all the things done in time to sit in front of the TV? Maybe your Twitter is open and ready for live tweeting with fellow fans, ready to go through the motions and emotions of the episode – simply the best.

But what happens when the TV show is not there for a while, when you have to take a break from the fun because the show is…*DUN DUN DUN!!!*… on hiatus. What are you supposed to do now? How do you fill the void?

Currently, I am missing Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supernatural, but their break is super brief and will be back soon. Doctor Who, however, is a deeper pain I must learn to live with for now while they figure things out over there. I have been spending the time making new friends in these fandoms, bingeing on Netflix, teaching my mother all about Doctor Who, revisiting old episodes and seasons, etc.

I asked the Internet how they are getting through their favorite shows’ hiatus time and I found that people have multiple ways of getting by between Netflix, Internet communities and even one friend who uses arts and crafts!

On Twitter:
@gkenvidal: I’m not a fan of the mid season hiatus. Netflix has completely spoiled me. I do find the wait between seasons difficult.

@whofalldifan: I have been watching past shows writing fan pic painting pics anything to get through the down period.

@Chrisha_DWGrrl: Cons and social media are my life on hiatus. And off. But still.

On Facebook, author Jenn Nixon had this to say: “TV Hiatus? What’s that? Oh, that’s the time when I watch the “filler” or Mid Season shows like Agent Carter, X-Files (damn you cliffhanger!), and Galavant, The 100, and Legends of Tomorrow. If that’s not enough to tame my geek heart, I will watch the first half of the first season of some shows like The Flash, Supergirl or Arrow On Demand or my DVR, if I had enough room to save them.”

Amanda Creasy explains: “I, too, am feeling the loss from no new Doctor Who episodes. I’m an active member on a few boards on Facebook where we chat about the show (past and present). I love when friends bring up interesting points that I might not have noticed the first time around. I also enjoy watching the discs with commentary- it’s sort of like experiencing the whole thing over again with actors and directors giving us behind the scenes perspectives! Finally, I scour the internet for new Fan Fiction that I haven’t read yet. I have quite a list of favorites and it’s really a fantastic way of getting “new episodes”. I also enjoy writing fanfic and have a few stories published. It’s never easy getting through without your favorite show, but I think we’ve all developed our coping mechanisms.”

Marie (@MeintheMist) is even part of regular Outlander meetups where she lives (talk about superheroes of hiatus!). When the fans get together they go all out, decorating their venue in Outlander style, there are discussions, giveaways, prizes, etc.

How do YOU get through a TV show hiatus? Leave a comment and stay strong,  my friends. Our shows won’t be gone forever!

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